These Respect Life resources focus on our call to radical solidarity. The materials seek to inspire Catholics to put their love for others into action by protecting, supporting, and accompanying mothers and their children. Together, we can help build a true culture of life and civilization of love.
To help live out the call to radical solidarity, Catholics are invited to join Walking with Moms in Need. Through this process, Catholic parishes and communities “walk in the shoes" of local pregnant and parenting women to better understand, support, and respond to their needs.

This Respect Life poster focuses on our call to radical solidarity with mothers in need and their children, reminding us of our responsibility to put our love for them into action.
(Available in English and Spanish.)
If you need a different file format or have any issues, please contact prolife@usccb.org.

This prayer invokes the intercession of our Blessed Mother who exemplified radical solidarity in coming to the aid of her cousin, Elizabeth. It is available as a prayer card featuring an image the Visitation.

(Available in English and Spanish.)
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, invites Catholics to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Respect Life Month by embracing “radical solidarity” with women facing difficult or challenging pregnancies.

(Available in English and Spanish.)
Radical Solidarity
This short reflection unpacks the theme of radical solidarity, highlighting how Catholics are called to put their love for others into action.
The reflection can be used as the basis for a homily or talk, shared in parish bulletins, printed in your diocesan paper, and included in newsletters. It could also be used as the basis for small group discussions at parish pro-life meetings, in a high school religion class, or simply among friends.

(Available in English and Spanish.)
Walking with Moms in Need is a parish-based, yet nationwide, initiative to better serve pregnant and parenting mothers facing difficulties.
During the process, parishes are asked to inventory the resources and services available in their local community; assess the results of that inventory and identify gaps; and plan and implement a parish response based on their findings and assessment.
While WWMIN is not about turning parishes into pregnancy centers, it is about enhancing referrals and building relationships with helping agencies. It is designed to help parishes integrate, improve, and—when needed—expand existing local resources to better serve mothers in their local area.