Evangelium vitae
The Gospel of Life
March 25 marks the anniversary of the papal encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). Written by Pope St. John Paul II in 1995, this document on the value and inviolability of every human life remains an indispensable source of truth for all people. It reaffirms the “greatness and the inestimable value of human life” (EV 2) and addresses present-day legal, ethical, and moral threats to life. The following resources are provided to help Catholics dive into this beautiful, rich document.

He Made His Dwelling Among Us:
The Annunciation and the Gospel of Life
A one-page reflection on the connection between the Solemnity of the Annunciation and the Gospel of Life. (approximately 450 words)
MS Word
If you have any trouble with the links, please visit our USCCB Resource Library page for this document.
View as a webpage.

The Gospel of Life: A Brief Summary
This two-page summary of The Gospel of Life highlights key themes and foundational teachings from the papal encyclical. It explores how the Church’s teachings regarding human life are at the heart of Jesus’ entire Gospel message. (approximately 940 words)
MS Word
If you have any trouble with the links, please visit our USCCB Resource Library page for this document.
Serving Moms in Need: Living the Gospel of Life
A two-page explanation of Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life) as inspiration for Walking with Moms in Need.
If you have any trouble with the links, please visit our USCCB Resource Library page for this document.
Live the Gospel of Life
This short reflection explores how Jesus becoming man and redeeming us through his humanity reveals the dignity of all human life and how the Gospel of life is therefore essential to our identity as followers of Christ.
If you have any trouble with the links, please visit our USCCB Resource Library page for this document.
MS Word
A condensed version of the landmark pro-life encyclical, this thorough summary makes Pope St. John Paul II’s prophetic writing more concise and easier to understand for those looking to deepen their understanding of the Church’s beautiful teachings on the sacredness of human life. An introductory foreword provides background and context to help readers better understand The Gospel of Life.
(Available in English and Spanish.)
This study guide was developed for use either with the “The Gospel of Life: Compendium” or with the full encyclical text. The study guide provides scriptural reflections, prayers, and discussion questions to help readers reflect more deeply on The Gospel of Life. While specifically designed to help facilitate small or large group studies, individuals can also use this tool on their own to increase their understanding of the text and make real-life connections.
(Available in English, Spanish, and French.)
Please feel free to download and use these graphics for social media, parish bulletins, newsletters, websites, etc., provided these reproduction guidelines are followed. Each image is provided in English and Spanish and can be downloaded directly.